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Executive List
1. John Shea
(Board Dir.)
2. John Shea
(VP, Technical Dir.)
3. John Sheehan
4. John Sherman
(Board Dir., CEO, Pres.)
5. John Slater
6. John Smith
(Board Dir.)
7. John Snyder
8. John Sparacino
9. John Stickevers
10. John Stoia
11. John Stolte
(Exec. VP - Technology, Operations)
12. John Stotts
(VP - Patient Care)
13. John Stuart
(CFO, Treasurer)
14. John Sullivan
15. John Sullivan
(Exec. VP - Residential Lending)
16. John Sutherland
(Board Dir.)
17. John Suzuki
(VP - Sales)
18. John Sviokla
(Vice Chmn., Dir., Innovation, Research)
19. John Szucs
(Dir. - Special Projects)
20. John Tharp

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