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Executive List
1. John Leonard
(Board Dir.)
2. John Leontakianakos
(CFO, VP - Finance)
3. John Litwinski
(Assoc. Attorney)
4. John Lockard
(COO, Integrated Defense Systems)
5. John Loftus
(Board Dir.)
6. John Loftus
(Exec. VP, MD - Information Technology)
7. John Long
(Sr. VP)
8. John Lowther
(Assoc. Attorney)
9. John Luke
(Chmn., CEO)
10. John MacNaughton
(Board Dir.)
11. John Manglardi
(Pres. - Eastern Division)
12. John Martell
(Founder, Chmn., Pres., CEO)
13. John McMillan
14. John Meyer
(Board Dir., CEO, Pres.)
15. John Meyers
(Underbalanced Services)
16. John Meyers
17. John Michener
18. John Miller
19. John Millspaugh
20. John Moore
(Board Dir.)

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