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Executive List
1. John Rindone
2. John Ringis
3. John Riolo
(VP - Quality Assurance)
4. John Ritter
(Design Dir.)
5. John Ritter
(Exec. VP - Product Development, Operations)
6. John Rittig
7. John Rizzi
(Pres., CEO)
8. John Roberti
9. John Roberts
(Chmn., CEO, Co - Founder)
10. John Roberts
11. John Roberts
(Sr. VP - Marketing)
12. John Roche
13. John Rodriguez
(Chief Accounting Officer, Sr. VP)
14. John Roeger
(Principal - Consulting Actuary)
15. John Roehm
(Board Dir.)
16. John Roemer
(VP, Full Service Restaurants, Hotels)
17. John Rogers
(Managing Partner)
18. John Rohrer
(VP Major Accounts)
19. John Rollwagen
20. John Roman
(Dir. - Quality Assurance)

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