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Executive List
1. Howard Sutter
(Vice Chmn. - Kforce Professional Staffing)
2. Howard Waltzman
3. Howard Harris
4. Howard Shapiro
(Non - Exec. Board Dir.)
5. Howard Berman
(Of Counsel)
6. Howell Melton
(Assoc. Attorney)
7. Howell Estes
(Board Dir.)
8. Howie Hunger
(Sr. VP - Marketing)
9. Howie Kleinberg
(Sr. VP)
10. Howie Spielman
11. Howland Green
(Board Dir.)
12. Hoy Heise
(Exec. VP, CIO)
13. Hoyt Ammidon
(Board Dir.)
14. Hoyt Kirby
(Founder, Pres.)
15. Hoyt Harper
(Sr. VP, Brand Management, Sheraton Hotels, Resorts)
16. Hoyt Sze
17. Hrayr Agnerian
(Sr. VP)
18. Hrishikesh Patel
(Database Architect)
19. Hsia Choo
(Sr. VP, Technology Development)
20. Hsiang-Wei Lee

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