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Executive List
1. John Sweeney
(Board Dir.)
2. John Tavss
3. John Thompson
(Dir., Exec. VP - Research, Development)
4. John Toffolon
(Board Dir.)
5. John Tsavaris
(Dir. - Professional Development, Special Counsel)
6. John Turco
(Board Dir.)
7. John Vahl
(Board Dir.)
8. John Vlahakis
9. John Vollmer
(Sr. VP - Corporate Development, CFO, Treasurer)
10. John Voris
(Board Dir.)
11. John Warnock
(Co - Chmn.)
12. John Wertam
13. John Westerman
14. John Wolfzorn
(VP, Treasurer)
15. John Wornham
(Board Dir.)
16. John Duke
(Assoc. Attorney)
17. John Paepcke
(Founder, CEO, Pres.)
18. John Boyle
(Board Dir.)
19. John Connelly
20. John Porter
(Member - Industry Advisory Board)

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