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Company Name Powerwave Technologies Inc. Ticker Symbol PWAV

 Address 1801 E St. Andrew Pl.
Santa Ana, CA 92705
United States
Email invest@pwav.com Phone 1-714-466-1000
Website www.powerwave.com Fax 1-714-466-5800

Business Information

The group's principal activity is to design, manufacture and market ultra-linear radio frequency power amplifiers for use in the wireless communications market. The group offers both single and multi-carrier radio frequency power amplifiers for use in cellular networks, including ultra-linear multi-carrier radio frequency power amplifiers for cdma, cdma2000, tdma and gsm digital cellular systems as well as analog systems utilizing amps and tacs protocols. The amplifiers are also used in pcs networks that operate in the international dcs-1800 frequency and the United States pcs band at 1900 mhz and multi-carrier radio frequency power amplifiers for 3g umts networks operating at 2100 mhz. The products are sold to customers worldwide, such as ericsson, lgic, motorola and lucent. The group has foreign operations in China, Finland, France, Singapore and the United Kingdom. On Jul 10, 2003, the group purchased selected assets of ericsson amplifier technologies, inc.

Executive Information
Name Title Email
Carl NeunChmn. N/A
Ronald BuschurDir., CEO, Pres. N/A
Kevin MichaelsCFO, Sec. N/A
Daniel ArtusiDir. N/A
David GeorgeDir. Available

Financial Information  ( All figures in $ '000 )
Year Sales Net Income
2006 716,886(158,903)
2005 473,914(72,122)
2006 825,07850,646

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