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Company Name PowerNova Technologies Corp.

 Address 680 - 1285 W Broadway
Vancouver, BC V6H 3X8
Email inquiries@powernova.com Phone 1-604-734-7488
Website www.powernova.com Fax N/A

Business Information

The group's principle activity is to develop a hydrogen production technology to supply a new world energy economy based on hydrogen. The technology is a catalyst to produce hydrogen from hydrocarbons such a gasoline with zero emissions of greenhouse gases. The group has a patent pending on the technology. The group is a Vancouver, Canada based company founded in June 2000 to research and develop hydrogen production technology. Hydrogen is classified as a secondary source of energy, or an energy carrier that can be used to store, move and deliver energy in a practical way. It has many applications and can be used for transportation, heating and power generation, making it a versatile form of energy carrier. Moreover, it has the highest energy content per unit of weight (52,000 British Thermal Units per pound) of any known fuel, which makes it an extremely efficient source of energy. The group operates from United States and Russia.

Executive Information
Name Title Email
Robert OralbekovCo - Chmn., Pres. N/A
Stuart LewCo - Chmn., CEO N/A
Avtandil KoridzeCTO, VP N/A
Phillip WebberCFO N/A
William KaskaDir. N/A

Financial Information  ( All figures in $ '000 )
Year Sales Net Income

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