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Company Name Pacific Internet Ltd.

 Address 90 Broad St.
Ste. 1903
New York, New York 10004
United States
Email investor@pacific.net.sg Phone 65-68720322
Website www.pacnet.com Fax N/A

Business Information

The group's principal activities are the provision of Internet access, e-commerce and communications services; sale of network configuration equipment; and the design and maintenance of Web sites. It operates in three business segments, each offering different products and services, across Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia and the Philippines. Internet access and Internet services include dial-up, leased lines, broadband; value added services and all other Internet access-related services. E-commerce services include both business-to-consumer and business-to-business services and also operates an Internet portal which focuses on e-commerce, Web site content and community related services and application development services. Travel-related services provide air ticketing, tours, hotels and other travel-related services. Access accounted for 92% of 2001 revenues; travel, 6% and e-commerce, 2%.

Executive Information
Name Title Email
Dennis MuscatMD - Australia N/A
Eddy Yiu KukMD - Hong Kong N/A
Julia YapPres., MD - Philippines N/A
Kevin Aeng KeongMD - Singapore N/A
Kevin Keong LimMD - Singapore, Malaysia N/A

Company Size
Sales Range 50 to 100 Million
Employee Range 501 to 2000

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