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Company Name NeoGenomics Inc. Ticker Symbol NGNM

 Address 12701 Commonwealth Dr.
Ste. 9
Fort Myers, FL 33913
United States
Email info@neogenomics.org Phone 1-239-768-0600
Website www.neogenomics.org Fax 1-239-768-0711

Business Information

The group's principal activity is to develop clinical laboratory to offer routine cytogenetics testing and high-end molecular genetics services. The group serves human healthcare products industry. The group offers three types of genetic diagnostic services: cytogenetic testing, molecular biology testing and sponsored research services. Cytogenetic tests are routinely used to identify genetic abnormalities in pregnancy, as well as hematologic cancers. Sponsored research tests discovers underlying genetic causes of female diseases, cancers and other diseases of the ovary, uterus, cervix, and breast all have an underlying genetic basis. Molecular biology test includes dna tests used in the screening and diagnosis of single gene disorders and hematological cancers.

Executive Information
Name Title Email
Michael DentChmn., CEO, Pres. N/A
Jerome DvonchDir. - Finance, Principal Accounting Officer N/A
Robert GaspariniDir., Pres., Chief Science Officer N/A
Steven JonesDir., Acting Principal Financial Officer N/A
Matthew MooreVP - Research, Development N/A

Financial Information  ( All figures in $ '000 )
Year Sales Net Income
2006 6,476(130)
2005 1,885(997)
2004 558(819)

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