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Company Name Mamma.com Inc.

 Address 388 St. Jacques St. W
9th Fl.
Montreal, QC H2Y 1S1
Email N/A Phone N/A
Website www.mamma.com Fax N/A

Business Information

The group's principal activities are to develop, market, sell, install and maintain customer care and billing software solutions for the telecommunications and other industries. The group operates in three segments: investment management, billing systems and Internet media. The billing system develops, markets, sells, installs and maintains billing and customer care and mediation software for customers operating in the telecommunication industry. The Internet media segment is a provider of meta-search and media placement of product and services. The customers of the group include cellular operators, fixed line operators and direct customers. The subsidiaries of the group are mamma.com inc. And intasys billing technologies. The group has operations in u.k., Australia and North America. The group continues to hold minority interests in and seeks to provide strategic assistance to companies such as tece, inc., ltrim technologies inc. And tri-link technologies inc.

Executive Information
Name Title Email
David GoldmanExec. Chmn. N/A
Daniel BertrandCFO, Exec. VP N/A
Eric BouchardVP - Marketing N/A
Claude ForgetDir. N/A
David SchwartzDir. N/A

Financial Information  ( All figures in $ '000 )
Year Sales Net Income
2006 9,596(4,269)
2005 9,465(5,658)
2004 15,8091,104

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