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Company Name British Telecommunications PLC

 Address Bt Ctr.
81 Newgate St.
London, EC1A 7 AJ
United Kingdom
Email kevan@lloydstsb-registrars.co.uk Phone 44-2073565000
Website www.bt.com Fax N/A

Business Information

The group's principal activities are the provision of local, long distance and international telecommunication services, Internet services and it solutions. It comprises the following divisions: bt ignite: focuses primarily on corporate and wholesale markets. Btopenworld: an international mass-Market Internet business. Bt retail: serving end-business and residential customers and the prime channel to market for other bt businesses. Bt wholesale: runs bt telecommunications plc networks and sells network capacity and call terminations to other carriers. On 18-Apr-2001, the group acquired 49.5% interest in esat digifone. The group disposed 20% interest in Japan telecom and yell group on 22-Jun-2001, british interactive broadcasting, 33.33% interest in maxis communications, rogers wireless. Bt retail accounted for 58% of fiscal 2002 revenues; bt wholesale, 21%; bt ignite, 20%; btopenworld and other, 1%.

Executive Information
Name Title Email
Maarten Van Den BerghDep. Chmn. N/A
Andy GreenChief Executive - Group Strategy, Operations, Dir. N/A
Baroness JayNon Exec. Dir. N/A
Ben VerwaayenChief Exec., Dir. N/A
Carl SymonNon Exec. Dir. N/A

Financial Information  ( All figures in $ '000 )
Year Sales Net Income
2006 34,345,3921,849,407
2005 35,313,9262,437,063
2004 34,540,7471,612,535

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