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Company Name Ampex Corp.

 Address 1228 Douglas Ave.
Redwood City, CA 94063
United States
Email info@ampex.com Phone 1-650-367-2011
Website www.ampex.com Fax 1-650-367-4669

Business Information

The group's principal activities are innovation and licensing of visual information technology. The group has developed substantial proprietary technology relating to the electronic storage, processing and retrieval of data, particularly images. The group currently holds 600 patents and patent applications covering digital image processing, data compression and recording technologies. Through its wholly-owned subsidiary, ampex data systems corporation (data systems), the group incorporates this technology in the design and manufacture of its products. The products are used in the digital recording, archiving and rapid restore/backup applications. The group also leverages its investment in research and development through its corporate licensing division that licenses ampex patents to manufacturers of consumer electronics products. The group operate a total of six sales offices, including four in the United States, one in Japan and one in the United Kingdom

Executive Information
Name Title Email
Gordon StricklandChmn., CEO, Pres. N/A
Joel TalcottVP, Sec. N/A
Ramon VenemaVP, Assist. Treasurer, Assist. Sec. N/A
Alain BrianconDir. N/A
Charles DykeDir. N/A

Financial Information  ( All figures in $ '000 )
Year Sales Net Income
2006 35,921(3,948)
2005 53,1546,727
2004 101,45146,362

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