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Company Name Adventrx Pharmaceuticals Inc. Ticker Symbol ANX

 Address 6725 Mesa Ridge Rd.
Ste. 100
San Diego, CA 92121
United States
Email ir@adventrx.com Phone 1-858-552-0866
Website www.adventrx.com Fax 1-858-552-0876

Business Information

The group's principal activity is to conduct biomedical research and development focused on treatments for cancer and certain viral infections, including HIV. Its business is in the development stage. The products include cofactor, blockaide/cr in clinical trials and thiovir, eradicaide, blockaide/vp and selone in preclinical testing. Cofactor is a chemotherapy drug used with 5-fu for the treatment of cancer. Blockaide/cr is a drug that prevents viral entry and infection of immune system cells. Thiovir is an antiviral agent for HIV. Eradicaide is a therapeutic drug that stimulates disease-fighting cells against HIV infection. Blockaide/vp is an HIV viral entry inhibitor that changes the protein configuration to render the virus non-infectious. Selone is used for the treatment of drug-resistant cancers, leukemias and lymphomas. The trademarks include cofactor, blockaide, thiovir, eradicaide and selone.

Executive Information
Name Title Email
Jack LiefChmn. N/A
Brian CulleyChief Business Officer, Sr. VP - Business Development N/A
Joan RobbinsChief Scientific Officer, Sr. VP N/A
Joachim SchuppVP - Medical Affairs N/A
Mark CantwellVP - Research, Development N/A

Financial Information  ( All figures in $ '000 )
Year Sales Net Income
2006 N/A(29,332)
2005 496(24,783)
2004 103(6,701)

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