Yaacov Lifshitz serves as a director of several companies and as a lecturer in the fields of economics, public policy and management. He currently is a lecturer at the Department of Economics and the Department of Public Policy and Management of Ben-Gurion University and at the Department of Political Science of the Tel-Aviv University. He also currently serves on the Boards of Directors of Israel Discount Bank, Kali Insurance Agencies Ltd., Springs Pension Fund Management Ltd., Carmel Investments Ltd. and Tesnet Software Testing Ltd. During the period from 1994 to 2002, Mr. Lifshitz served at various times as the Chairman of the Boards of Directors of Hamashbir Lazarchan Israel Ltd., Israel Military Industries Ltd., Spectronix Ltd., Dor Chemicals Ltd., Dor Energy Ltd., DorGas Ltd. and the Israeli Foreign Trade Risk Insurance Corp. Ltd. He also served from 1995 to 2002 as the Chairman of the Executive Board of the Israel Management Center. Prior to that he held various senior positions in government, banking and industry, including Director General of the Israel Ministry of Finance, Chief Economic Advisor to the Israel Ministry of Defense, Senior Vice President and Chief Credit Officer of Israel Discount Bank and President and CEO of Electra (Israel) Ltd. Mr. Lifshitz holds a bachelor’s degree in economics and political science and a master’s degree in economics from the Hebrew University.