William W. Hogan is Lucius N. Littauer Professor of Public Policy and Administration at the John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University. Professor Hogan is research director of the Harvard Electricity Policy Group (HEPG), which is exploring the issues involved in the transition to a more competitive electricity market. He serves as faculty chair of the Ph.D. Programs at the Kennedy School of Government; he has also served as chair of the Public Policy Program and as director of the Energy and Environmental Policy Center there. He was a member of the faculty of Stanford University where he founded the Energy Modeling Forum, and he is a past president of the International Association for Energy Economics (IAEE). He has held positions dealing with energy policy analysis in the federal government, including that of deputy assistant administrator for data and analysis in the Federal Energy Administration. Professor Hogan is a Director with LECG. He is involved in research and consulting activities including major energy industry restructuring, network pricing and access issues, markets and market power, governance structures for a deregulated energy market, reliability of the electricity grid, and privatization, in the United States and internationally. He writes and speaks widely on these issues and has testified before the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission and other federal and state organizations and agencies. Selected papers are available on his website, "ksgwww.harvard.edu/people/whogan".
Professor Hogan received his undergraduate degree from the U.S. Air Force Academy and his Ph.D. from UCLA. |