Bill's areas of expertise in the higher education industry include financial reporting research administration strategic planning and budgeting operational improvement technology human resources organizational design leadership values physical plant management and a myriad of other operational functions.
Professional Experience
Bill came to Huron with 30 years of executive experience including Executive Vice President for Administration at the California Institute of Technology Vice Chancellor for Administration at Vanderbilt University and positions within both North Carolina State University and Cornell University. Being a senior officer at research universities and academic medical centers coupled with speaking and consulting engagements has provided Bill with scores of operational and strategic experiences. Projects initiated by Bill and conducted under his leadership that have resulted in service improvements increased accountability and cost reductions in higher education include:
Developing meaningful comparative financial data and user-friendly financial reports for executive management and Trustees.
Directing improvements in compliance areas by enhancing structure policy internal audit approach and staffing attention.
Reorganizing financial areas resulting in significantly increased research accountability and lower cost.
Improving accounting systems staff and issue identification and resolution to substantially reduce management letter findings.
Integrating central office financial operations with the academic and medical units.
Recommending numerous university executive organizational changes.
Leading several system implementations including PeopleSoft and Oracle products.
Improving human resource operations in specific areas including performance appraisal staff development payroll employment and employee relations.
Creating Informational Technology team to vastly improve the functionality of an ERP system.
Establishing value programs at two different universities with a specific focus on service to the academic community.
Continuously providing leadership for numerous cost reduction efforts while enhancing service.
Bill's involvement in the higher education industry has been substantial with associations task forces special organizations such as Listening Post and Six Pack and
other universities. Because of his operational and strategic success he has consulted with more than 40 universities on a variety of financial technology human resource physical plant and organizational issues.
Education & Certifications
Master of Science and Doctor of Philosophy Purdue University
Bachelor of Science Business Administration Indiana State University
Certificate from Harvard University Institute for Educational Management
Professional Associations
National Association of College and University Business Officers (NACUBO) contributions include national and regional faculty member on subjects such as accounting budgeting and leadership a keynote speaker at numerous national and regional association meetings a consultant on a variety of NACUBO projects Chair of the Research Council and writing several articles for the Business Officer.
Coauthor of the book The Eagle and the Monk: Seven Principles of Successful Change.
Coauthor of Managing the Hidden Organization as well as being an author or coauthor of numerous articles in popular higher education and business publications.
Speaking Engagements
Speaker at national and regional educational conferences major universities and corporations.