BACKGROUND: Bill is a native of Tampa, Florida. He earned his undergraduate degree from Emory University prior to obtaining a Juris Doctor degree from Florida State University College of Law. He served as a Special Agent with the Federal Bureau of Investigation (1969-72) before joining Shackleford, Farrior, Stallings & Evans in 1972, which merged with GrayRobinson in 2001. EXPERIENCE: Bill is a trial lawyer specializing in toxic tort, products liability and environmental law matters. During his career, he has also handled medical practice, construction, casualty and commercial litigation cases. He is a Certified Mediator in State and Federal courts. EDUCATION: Emory University , B.A. (1966) Florida State University , J.D. (1969) PROFESSIONAL: Chair, Toxic and Hazardous Substances and Environmental Law Committee, Tort and Insurance Practice Section (TIPS), American Bar Association (1991-1992); Chair Elect (1990-1991) Liaison to ABA Coordinating Group on Environmental Law (1991-1992) Member, Executive Council of the Trial Lawyers Section, The Florida Bar (1984-1990) Member, Executive Council of the Trial Lawyers Section, Hillsborough County Bar Association (1985-1988) Member, DRI Toxic Tort and Environmental Law Committee, Defense Research Institute Fellow of the American Bar Foundation (1989-present) Member, American Counsel Association (1989-1998) Member, Thirteenth Judicial Circuit Grievance Committee (1985-1988) Member, American Counsel Association (1989-1998) Chair, Air Issues Task Force, Environment and Natural Resources Council, Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce (1990-1991) President, Shackleford, Farrior, Stallings & Evans, P.A. (1994-1996) CIVIC: President, Rotary Club of Tampa (2004-2005); President-Elect for (2003-2004) Member, Board of Directors and Executive Board, Tampa Downtown Partnership (1995- present) Member, Board of Trustees, Hillsborough County Bar Foundation (2002 - Present) Member, Board of Directors (Executive Director), Gulf Ridge Council, Boy Scouts of America (1996 - 2005); Advisory Board Member (2005 - Present) Member, Board of Directors and Executive Committee, United Way of Tampa Bay (1995-2002); Advisory Board (2002 - 2003) Chair, Keel Club of United Way of Hillsborough County (1994 and 1995) and Chair, Admiral Society (1999 and 2000) Chair, Junior Achievement of Greater Tampa (1991-1992); Chair-Elect (1990-1991); Executive Committee (1990-1995)President, Henry B. Plant Museum (1994-1995, 1993-1994); Vice-President (1992-1993,1991-1992) Member, Advisory Board, SouthTrust Bank (2002 - 2004) Member, Board of Directors, Southern Exchange Bank (1989 - 2002) President, University Club of Tampa (1997-1998); Member Board of Directors (1994-2001, 1988-1991) Member, Board of Directors, FSU College of Law Alumni Association (1987-1991) Member, Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce PROGRAMS AND LECTURES: Seminar Speaker - "Alternative Dispute Resolution in the Environmental and Toxic Tort Context", March 31, 2000, Orlando, Florida. Sponsored by the Tort and Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association. Participated in a panel discussion of The Anatomy of a Mediation.
Seminar Participant - "An Environmental Disaster: Managing The Crisis And Handling The Case", April 8, 1995, San Diego, California. Sponsored by the Tort and Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association. Participated in mock ADR demonstration. Seminar Speaker - "Environmental Remediation Issues", October 13, 1994, Tampa Convention Center, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by Florida Environmental Expo. Seminar Speaker - "Indoor Air Quality: Legal Issues", April 8, 1993, Second Annual Florida Plant Engineering and Maintenance Show, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by the American Institute of Plant Engineers (AIPE). Seminar Chair - "Environmental Liability: Current Issues and Criminal Exposure", August 10, 1992, San Francisco, California. Sponsored by the Tort and Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association. Seminar Speaker - Federal Judges Science Seminar, May 6-8, 1992, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by The Center for Health Policy Research, The George Washington University. Lectured on Assessing the Merits of Medical Monitoring as Interim Relief in a Judgment or Settlement. Speaker at seminar on Indoor Air Quality, February 26, 1992, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by the Building Owners and Managers Association (BOMA). Seminar Speaker - "Hazardous Waste In Florida", November 12, 1991, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by National Business Institute, Inc. Lectured on Superfund Act, Criminal Enforcement Issues and Contractual Treatment of Contamination Issues in Real Estate Transactions. Workshop Participant - Workshop on Scientific Validity for the Courts, November 1 and 2, 1991, The George Washington University, Washington, D.C. Workshop addressed the validity and admissibility of scientific evidence in toxic tort cases. Seminar Chair and Speaker - "Private Party Exposure and Remedies in Environmental Cases", presented at the 1991 Annual Convention of the American Bar Association, August 12, 1991, Atlanta, Georgia. Sponsored by Tort and Insurance Practice Section of the ABA. Lectured on How to Establish a Prima Facie Case in a Private Cost Recovery Action Under CERCLA and Defenses Available to Private Litigants. Seminar Chair and Speaker - "Impact of the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 on Small Businesses", April 17, 1991, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by Greater Tampa Chamber of Commerce, Inc. Presented overview of CAA Amendments. Seminar Speaker - "Environmental Solutions For the 90's", April 17, 1991, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by SPECcon Southeast. Lectured on topic of Sick Building Syndrome. Seminar Participant - "Hazardous Waste in Real Estate Transactions", October 25-26, 1990, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by CLE International. Panel discussion member. Speaker at seminar on Indoor Air Quality, June 21, 1990, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by the Risk and Insurance Manager's Society (RIMS). Program Speaker - Indoor Air Quality, May, 1, 1990, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by the Building Owners and Manufacturers Association (BOMA) - 1990 Southeastern Conference. Seminar Chair - "Indoor Air Pollution: The Toxic Tort Issue of the 90's", April 26-27, 1990, Washington, D.C. Sponsored by the Tort and Insurance Practice Section of the American Bar Association. Speaker at seminar on Indoor Air Quality, February 22, 1990, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by Florida Business Magazine and Environmental Aspecs, Inc. Seminar Chair and Speaker - "Hazardous Waste, Toxic Tort and Environmental Litigation", September 24, 1989, Tampa, Florida and September 25, 1989, Miami, Florida. Sponsored by the Trial Lawyers Section of The Florida Bar. Lectured on the Comprehensive Environmental Response Compensation and Liability (Superfund) Act. Seminar Speaker - "Environmental Law", August 25, 1989, Orlando, Florida. Sponsored by The Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers. Lectured on Insights Into New and Evolving Environmental Problems. Speaker at First Annual Tampa Bay Real Estate Institute, May 16, 1989, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by The University of Tampa College of Business, et al. Lectured on The Environmental Audit for Buyer, Seller and Lender and Toxic Tort and Selected Environmental Issues. Seminar Speaker - "Hazardous Waste In Florida", May 3, 1989, Tampa, Florida. Sponsored by National Business Institute, Inc. Lectured on Underground Storage Tank Regulation, Oil Spill Liability and Toxic Tort Suits.