William A. (Tony) Blackmon possesses a variety of industry knowledge gained from his years in cryogenic sales and applications, lubricant sales and lubricant engineering, and environmental engineering in lubricant reclamation.
Among the industries within his area of concentration, Pulp and Paper, Forest Products, Plastic Injection Molding, Steel and Metals Processing are among the top. Tony possesses knowledge of numerous operational and maintenance practices in these select industries as well as industries in General Manufacturing areas.
In addition to his B.S. degree his industrial educational credits include; Cryogenic Industrial Applications, Professional Selling Skills III, Lubrication Specialist, Lubrication Engineering, Vickers Hydraulics Course, Bearing Failure Root Cause Analysis, Gear Inspection Fundamentals, SPIN Selling, Hydraulic System Inspection, and Quality Management.
Tony’s use of the combination of education and hands-on experience adds to his ability to work in and understand manufacturing processes and job requirements. This experience equips Tony to fill the most critical personnel needs of his industrial clients. |