Warren Levy leads all consulting engagements and ensures that The History Factory’s methodology of Start with Future and Work Back is engineered into every project. He works closely with business development, creative solutions and archival services professionals to align projects with our clients’ strategic objectives.
Warren brings more than 30 years of experience in research, public relations and marketing communications to The History Factory. Previously, he held positions as the senior vice president and chief strategy officer of Vox Medica Health Care Public Relations and assistant vice president of corporate communications at CIGNA Corporation. He first worked with The History Factory while planning CIGNA’s 200th anniversary.
A graduate of Queens College, City University of New York in group and organization effectiveness, Warren is a national award-winning designer of unique forums, and an experienced speaker and meeting facilitator. He also serves on the Executive Committee of the Health Promotion Council, a nonprofit dedicated to improving the health of vulnerable populations in southeastern Pennsylvania. |