Born in Autol (La Rioja), 3rd September 1950. Since January 2005 Mr. Nafría Aznar has been the Retail Banks Director in Spain and Portugal for Banco BilbaoVizcaya Argentaria. In 1966 he joined the Banco de Vizcaya. In 1983, Mr. Nafría Aznar became Director of the Banco de Financiación Industrial (Induban) in Bilbao. In 1988 he worked as the regional Director of Aragón, Navarra y Rioja for Banco Bilbao Vizcaya. In 1990, he was appointed Business management Director of Banco Bilbao Vizcaya (BBV). In 1994, he held a senior position at the Territorial Direction in País Vasco. In April 1998, he was appointed as Chief Executive Officer of BBV in Mexico. In July 2000, he was appointed Director of BBVA Bancomer. In December 2001, he was appointed a Directive Committee member of BBVA at the Global Level, and in January 2003 he became General Manager of BBVA America. |