Vincent L. Laurenzano joined Stroock’s Insurance Practice in 1997 with over thirty years of experience in the New York State Insurance Department, where he served most recently as Assistant Deputy Superintendent and Chief Examiner of the Financial Condition Property/Casualty Bureau. In that position, he was responsible for examining and regulating the financial condition of all property/casualty, financial guaranty, mortgage guaranty, title and health-only insurance companies licensed in New York. The Bureau also oversaw a broad range of operational and financial matters including demutualizations, restructurings of securities offerings, licensing of insurers and determination of their solvency, and review of mergers and acquisitions, affiliate transactions and investments.
As a consultant to the Firm, Mr. Laurenzano advises clients engaged in insurance-related mergers and acquisitions, debt and equity offerings, finite-risk reinsurance, restructuring of assets and liabilities, and structured finance and derivatives transactions designed to transfer insurance risk to the capital markets.
Certified Financial Examiner (CFE)
Recipient, National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) Robert Dineen Award for Outstanding Service and Contribution to the Regulation of Insurance, 1993
Member, Basle Committee on Banking Supervision, Joint Forum on Financial Conglomerates
Chair, NAIC Risk-Based Capital (EX-4) Task Force, 1991-1997
Chair, NAIC Property and Casualty Reinsurance Study Group
Chair, NAIC Catastrophe Insurance (C) Working Group, Catastrophe Reserve Subgroup
Speaker, Understanding Securitization of Insurance Risk, 13th Annual Reinsurance
Conference of the International Reinsurance Congress
Speaker, Assessing the Benefits of Insurance Securitization Transferring and Underwriting Risk to the Capital Markets, Institute for International Research Seminar on Catastrophe Risk Financing and Reinsurance
B.S., Fordham University |