Vicki Vargo is an attorney with Aksell & Vargo, PA. After graduating from the University of Florida College of Law, she has practiced law for 15 years with an emphasis in Real Estate and Mortgage Law. In the private sector and prior to serving as an Orlando City Commissioner for six years, she represented The Housing Authority of the City of Orlando, Florida on legal issues.
As an elected official, she was active in both the Florida League of Cities and the National League of Cities. While serving as Mayor Pro Tem, Ms. Vargo joined the board of directors of the Florida League of Cities. She chaired the Intergovernmental Relations Committee whose purpose is to draft statewide policies on local government matters such as housing, education, homeland security, and other vital public interests that require cooperation between municipalities and other government jurisdictions. She was instrumental in negotiating with the Florida Association of Counties Interlocal Boundary Services Agreement Legislation which was adopted by the Florida Legislature. In addition, she was a member of the National League of Cities Finance, Administration, and Intergovernmental Relations Committee. She also participated as a board member of the Tri-County League of Cities in Central Florida and was the first woman elected to represent the City of Orlando District 3 which includes a diverse constituency. |