After completing bachelors and masters degrees in applied mathematics at Moscow State University in 1992 Vadim Gerasimov joined the MIT Media Laboratory in 1994, working on a variety of multidisciplinary projects, gaining an MS in Media Arts and Sciences in 1996 and a Ph.D. in 2003. He is currently a research scientist working in Australia. Vadim, who was a co-developer of the game Tetris at age 16 is now interested in a broad range of research topics that include wireless sensor networks, multiagent systems, and inertial motion tracking systems. His Ph.D. work explored how to make information collected by personal health-monitoring devices fun and engaging, and consequently more useful to the non-specialist. In particular, he developed a novel approach to adding implicit biofeedback to computer games and a robust wireless sensor network platform to develop personal health monitoring devices. With his diverse technical repertoire and practical experience both as a clever hacker and disciplined software architect, Vadim takes on 'hard problem' consulting for Dimagi. |