Mr. V Shivkumar, Director(HR), as head of Human Resources, is functioning in MTNL as a Board level appointee. He brings in with him professional knowledge on HR management and development in abundance. Talking on HR management and developments, the entire gambit of HR functions which encompasses all responsibilities of identifying including placing and developing human resources and the service matters connected with the human resources of the management.
As the Board level officer, Director(HR) has to interact with the Board Members and help the Board in preparing policy documents governing the business through the human resources of the organization.
Besides his contribution in the human resources management and development, his rich experience in dealing with the legal cases, liaison with govt. authorities and other important officers at policy making levels and also general management functions get guided by Director-HR.
In nut-shell, Director-HR through his professional knowledge and experience, guides the organization to meet their business related plan of business diversity and also preparing the human resources to equip with all skills and knowledge to meet the market challenges.