Ulrich has more than 37 years of experience in banking, finance and ratings. The most notable achievements over his long career involve long-term dept financing and finance of patents. He has demonstrated expertise in applying BBK Ratings on behalf of our clients. In the last three years, Ulrich has had more than 50 speaking engagements, most about risk assessment on behalf of industrial associations and tax auditors. In addition, he has conducted 10 seminars on finance at the Education Center of Dresdner Bank Group. Professional Experience Prior to joining BBK, Ulrich was Head of the Sales Department for Prof. Dr. Schneck Rating GmbH for three years. In that role he was responsible for conducting enterprise and supplier ratings. Most of his clients were German based automotive OEM and Tier One suppliers. Ulrich was freelance for four years prior to accepting the position with a rating agency. During that time he structured with associates the finances of a medium-sized technology enterprise based on patents and trademarks. He also acquired patent validations for larger technology-based corporations, performed credit assessments, acted as interim management for a property developer and served as financial consultant for others. Ulrich spent the previous 17 years with Deutsche Hyp AG. He began as Co-Head of the Stuttgart Branch (responsible for acquisition, support services and long-term dept lending authority), was promoted to head of the branch, director of the branch and ultimately Head of the Department of Corporate Finance. This talented professional began his career at Dresdner Bank AG - starting as Customer Consultant, moving up to Loan Officer (in the Loan Department), Assistant Team Leader of the Loan Department (with lending authority) and finally Loan Officer in the Corporate Finance Department. Education Certified Rating-Analyst (BdRA), Germany Training supervisor with certification, Germany Fully trained bank officer with certification, Germany Banker with certification, Germany |