Mr. Lindmark, President of Lindmark Engineering, has over 25 years of experience in the environmental field. He has specialized knowledge in both the theoretical and practical aspects of environmental engineering, particularly in the areas of remedial action design, contamination transport, hydrogeology, construction management, and agency requirements.
Mr. Lindmark has extensive experience in assessment and remediation of sites containing gasoline and associated compounds such as MTBE and benzene; PCE, TCE, and other chlorinated hydrocarbons; diesel; waste oil; crude oil; pesticides; PCBs; PNAs (poly-nuclear aromatics); acids; alkalines; brine; and heavy metals. His experience includes a variety of sites, such as chemical plants, construction sites, dry cleaners, fueling facilities, hospitals, landfills, manufacturing facilities, office buildings, oil fields, plating shops, salvage yards, schools, and service stations.
A summary of Mr. Lindmark's experience includes design, engineering, management and quality control of projects involving
Assessments of contamination of soils, groundwater, air, or surface water;
Natural attenuation of subsurface contamination;
Age dating and source identification of subsurface contamination;
Remedial investigations and feasibility studies;
Soils remedial action including vapor extraction and carbon treatment, thermal treatment, recycling, bio-venting, incineration, landfarming, chemical fixation, heat injection, systematic excavation and vapor barriers;
Groundwater monitoring and soil and air sampling programs;
Groundwater remedial action including phase separation, ion-exchange, air stripping, air sparging, carbon adsorption, chemical oxidation, dual-phase extraction, oxygen-release compounds, and enhanced biodegradation;
Underground storage tank design and engineering including electronic, liquid and vapor monitoring, tank integrity testing, corrosion prevention, fuel management systems, operational manuals, inventory control, overfill protection, piping systems, flow restriction devices, and tank lining, as well as site closures involving removal and abandonment in place;
Aboveground storage tank design and compliance;
Construction management and preparation of operation and maintenance manuals and specifications;
Stormwater management and compliance;
Spill containment and contingency programs;
Sewers and leach-field investigations;
Preliminary endangerment assessments;
Real estate Phase I investigations;
Aerial photo interpretation;
Indoor air quality and monitoring; and
Expert witness testimony.
Mr. Lindmark has a thorough knowledge of local, state, and federal codes and regulations pertaining to soil and groundwater investigations, cleanups, and aboveground and underground storage tanks.
Professional Registrations and Licenses
Registered Civil Engineer (State of California)
Licensed General Engineering Contractor (State of California)
Registered Environmental Assessor (State of California)
Hazardous Substances Remediation and Removal Certificate (State of California)
Hazardous Waste Treatment Engineer, American Academy of Environmental Engineers
Qualified Environmental Professional, Institute of Professional Environmental Practice |