PhD., Linguistics, University of California, Santa Barbara (1994)
M.A., Linguistics, University of Texas at Arlington (1983)
B.S., Construction Engineering, Lawrence Technological University, Southfield, MI (1979)
Current positions
Translation Consultant (1989- )
Linguistics Consultant (1995- )
International Translation Consultant (1996- )
Other experience
Director, Nigeria Bible Translation Trust (2000-2002)
Translation Coordinator, Nigeria (1995-1999)
Field Projects Coordinator, Nigeria (1995-1999)
Project Advisor for Obolo Project, Nigeria (1983- )
Tau Beta Pi, Lawrence Technological University, Southfiield, Michigan, 1978, 1979
Language Proficiency
Obolo, Nigeria, S-FSI5, R-FSI5, W-FSI5
English, S-FSI5, R-FSI5, W-FSI5
Ibibio, Nigeria, S-FSI2, R-FSI3, W-FSI3
Ibo, Nigeria, S-FSI2, R-FSI3, W-FSI2
Hausa, Nigeria, S-FSI1, R-FSI2, W-FSI1
Hebrew, Israel, S-FSI2, R-FSI3, W-FSI3
Hebrew (Biblical), R-FSI3, W-FSI4
Research interests
Tense/Aspect system of Biblical Hebrew.
Tense/Aspect system of Biblical Greek.
Discourse analysis.
Information load.
Serial Verbs.
Speech Quotation.
Impact and Feasibility of the Mother-tongue in Education in Nigeria.
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
1999. Tense and aspect in Obolo grammar and discourse. Dallas. Summer Institute of Linguistics and University of Texas at Arlington, Arlington Press.
1998. "Discourse factors in Bible translation: a discourse manifesto revisited." Notes on Translation, 12:1:1-12.
1996/97. "The category of number in Obolo verbal morphology."Journal of West African Languages. Vol. XXVI:1:49-76.
1996/97. "Grammaticization of the verb 'say' to future tense in Obolo." Journal of West African LanguagesVol. XXVI:2:87-94.
1994. "Tense and Aspect in Obolo Grammar and Discourse." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of California, Santa Barbara.
1992. "Reported speech in Obolo narrative discourse." Language in context: Essays in honor of Robert E. Longacre.227-240.
1990. "Orthography of Obolo (Andoni)." Orthographies of Nigerian languages, Manual 6.Lagos: Federal Ministry of Education.
1984. "Language variation in Obolo." Occasional Papers in Linguistics. Vol. 1. University of Texas at Arlington.
1983. "Interpropositional Relations in Obolo." M.A. Thesis, University of Texas at Arlington. |