Tony Borgford, who is in his eighth year with the Thrashers' organization, begins his first season as video coach -- Borgford served three seasons as the club's video coordinator from 2002-06. In this role, he is responsible for video analysis of all pre-scout and Thrashers game film, contributing to scouting reports on the opposition and the production of instructional/teaching tapes for players. Borgford also assists the coaching staff on ice during training camp and at various other times throughout the season, and helps provide on-ice instruction at the team's annual prospects camps and hockey schools.
Borgford joined the Thrashers for the team's inaugural season in 1999 and served in the accounting department for one year before moving to the hockey operations department. He served as hockey operations coordinator for two seasons before moving into his video coordinator role during the 2002-03 season.
A native of Regina, Saskatchewan, Borgford played four years of Division I NCAA hockey for Mercyhurst College in Erie, Pa., from 1995-99. He is single and resides in Norcross, Ga. |