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Profile of Tony Bui

Tony Bui

Pres. - EMW Inc.
Tony Bui Email :
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Company Name : EMW Inc.
Company Website : www.emw.com
Company Address : 13873 Pk. Ctr. Rd.
Ste. 225, Herndon, VA,
United States,
Tony Bui Profile :
Pres. - EMW Inc.
Tony Bui Biography :

Mr. Bui has over twenty years of experience in the areas of information and telecommunications technology. He started his career as a database developer in 1983 working on a team that developed a worldwide Navy shipboard casualty reporting system. After graduating from Virginia Tech with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering and a Minor in Economics, he was hired as an associate member of the technical staff by GTE Telenet, which soon became Telenet, a US Sprint Company. Mr. Bui worked on a business development/capture team that won a major Systems Integration support contract for the Defense Data Network (DDN). Mr. Bui was then promoted to the position of field engineer in support of DDN nodes worldwide. Mr. Bui then took over the position as lead engineer in support of a nationwide packet switching network supporting distance learning and tele-training with TRADOC in Ft. Eustis. In 1988, Mr. Bui moved to the civilian sector and supported Dept. of Labor as a systems engineer. He later took over account management responsibilities of that agency and Housing and Urban Development (HUD) as well as various agencies within Treasury. As a Senior Federal Account Manager with Sprint, Mr. Bui captured over $150M of life cycle billed revenue. Before leaving Sprint and starting East Meets West, Inc. (EMW), He was responsible for capturing the State of Nevada Prison Phone bid and the State of California’s Dept. of Justice Frame Relay Network for Sprint. Although EMW was chartered on paper in 1991, Mr. Bui was not an active member until 1995. Armed with technical, business, and organizational expertise and the unyielding support of his wife, Hanh Bui, He started EMW in the basement of his home. As founder of EMW, Mr. Bui has utilized his business development and technical skills to partner with Fortune 500 companies and capture worldwide systems integration opportunities. Today, Mr. Bui oversees an enterprise that spans four continents and supports US Federal Government, European Government, NATO and Middle East organizations and employs over 140 employees. During the last three years, EMW has doubled in size each year and has instituted an employee friendly atmosphere that fosters personal growth, professional development and corporate accountability. Mr. Bui’s vision for EMW is to create a professional organization dedicated to providing stable, secure and leading edge products and services for the information and communications technology marketplace. Mr. Bui is an active member of AFCEA, ACG, IEEE, NVTC, and WCAI.

Tony Bui Colleagues :
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Alan Fulton

Sr. VP, COO Please login

John Hall

Sr. VP, International Businesss Please login

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