Tom Pepper has brought over 16 years experience as a software developer in the digital media landscape to Razz. Pepper is responsible for all infrastructure design, deployment, and maintenance. Prior to joining Razz, Pepper held the position of Principal Systems Architect at AOL, where he created and managed SHOUTcast, the internet's most popular streaming music service, growing it to hundreds of thousands of concurrent listeners by 2004. This was the basis for the largest-scale streaming architecture ever to reach production and was extended to provide for all of AOL's streaming architecture, drastically reducing the company's streaming costs. Before that, Pepper founded Nullsoft, where he co-authored the groundbreaking MP3 player MacAmp/WinAmp and then sold the company to AOL. Pepper was also founder and VP of Engineering at LightEdge Communications, the nation's first DSL provider and now the largest ISP throughout the Midwest. He also co-developed Gnutella, one of the Internet's most popular peer-to-peer file sharing technologies, and W.A.S.T.E., an encrypted peer to peer application meant chiefly for secure communication rather than file sharing. Pepper earned his undergraduate degree from Iowa State University. |