Dr. Hausken has over 25 years in the semiconductor and optoelectronics industries, spanning device and materials research, product development, laboratory management, and technology and market analysis. Joining the Strategies Unlimited staff in 1999, he specializes in studies in optical and electronic components, including active and passive components for optical networks, and image sensors. Previously, he was a coordinator for the U.S.-Japan Joint Optoelectronics Project with the Optoelectronics Industry Development Association (OIDA). He was also a technology policy analyst at the U.S. Congressional Office of Technology Assessment, in Washington D.C. There, he contributed to three reports on information technology and communications policy issues for congressional committees. His doctoral dissertation was on optical communication components. He has also held positions at Alcatel Alsthom Research and Texas Instruments on subjects ranging from optical components and electronic memory to displays and solar cells. |