B.S. University of California, 1958, Engineering
Registered Civil Engineer; California
Registered Professional Engineer; Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Iowa, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, Maine, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Vermont, Virginia, West Virginia, and Wisconsin
American Society of Civil Engineers
Solid Waste Association of North America
National Solid Waste Management Association
Mr. Conrad has managed or directed more than 400 solid waste management, resource recovery, and landfill projects ranging from solid waste management master plans, and recycling studies, to site investigations and site selection studies, designs, operations plans, corrective (cleanup) actions, closure plans and post-closure care plans, contingency plans, cost analyses, operation and maintenance manuals, and research studies. Example projects are:
Project director for the performance of a multi-season waste characterization study to support recycling programs for the City of New York Department of Sanitation. The project involves estimating the composition of residential, commercial and industrial wastes sectors city-wide, and is the largest such project ever undertaken in the United States.
Conduct of a backyard composting demonstration for Orange County, New York, which was sponsored by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority. This project involved coordinating with the Cornell Cooperative Extension and the 150 volunteer backyard composters.
Mr. Conrad is a founder and principal of SCS, with 35 years experience in civil and environmental engineering and construction, 27 of which have been in landfill engineering and solid waste management. The majority of his environmental engineering experience has been in solid waste management. He is active in professional societies and citizen organizations.
Design of transfer stations and intermediate processing facilities to recover materials and to haul recoverables/wastes for reuse/disposal in Middlesex County, New Jersey; Lincoln County, Brunswick, Naples and Poland, Maine; and Beverly Hills, California.
Design and permitting of a landfill for disposal of residue and bypass from the resource recovery facility, for the Hudson County Improvement Authority, New Jersey.
Development of filling and phased closure plans for the Fresh Kills Landfill in New York, the world's largest landfill. Assignments included final closure system design, storm water management, end-use plans, landfill gas control and recovery, wetlands mitigation and shoreline improvements, Consent Order Deliverables, securing permits for all construction projects, revegetation studies and test plots, and construction oversight
Site selection study and design for a new debris landfill and a new sanitary landfill in Prince William County, Virginia. Another recent landfill/landfill gas contract for Prince William County includes designs, permitting documents, and construction drawings, specifications and cost estimates for expansion of the landfill, closure of completed fills, groundwater corrective actions, and a study on the feasibility of LFG recovery.
Design and preparation of construction documents for closure of the Municipal Site Landfill for the Chester County Solid Waste Authority, Pennsylvania. The project includes manufacture of topsoil and innovative revegetation and test plots.
Design, permitting and construction oversight of a 600-acre regional landfill in Charles City County, Virginia.
Preparation of solid waste management master plans, including material and energy recovery via modular incinerators and residue landfilling for two Marine Corps bases in North Carolina.
Implementation of management information systems for refuse collection, disposal, and street and alley cleaning in the District of Columbia.
Case studies of separate collection operations and recycling centers and cost analyses for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA). Prepared a how-to-do-it manual and assisted in implementation of paper recovery systems in federal buildings.
Preliminary design of a sanitary landfill in an active hard rock quarry in Montgomery County, Maryland.
Co-author of manuals for the USEPA: Sanitary Landfill Design and Operation; Sludge Landfill Practices, and Closing and Upgrading Open Dumps.
Technical and cost estimating support to the USEPA for development of regulations for landfills, surface impoundments, gas emissions, gas migration, and underground/above ground storage tanks.
Consulting to the Town of Salem, New Hampshire; the Town of North Hempstead, New York; and the City of New York, New York, to control and extinguish subsurface fires in landfills.
Consulting regarding gaseous emissions from the Port Washington Landfill (a Superfund site on Long Island, New York), including field testing and monitoring, landfill gas control facilities, fume incinerator to control odors and destroy volatile organic emissions, expert testimony, and negotiations with regulatory agencies and intervenor citizen groups.
Directed or managed over 200 landfill gas (LFG) control and recovery projects throughout the south and east. Scopes of services have ranged from monitoring to investigations, feasibility studies, designs, cost construction estimates, and startup operations. LFG control system designs protect new and existing structures valued at more than $2,000,000,000 against migration of LFG. |