Tom Brady played key roles in Goldin's engagements involving Power Company of America, Enron North America, Northwestern Corp. and Calpine. He assisted Goldin in managing the bankruptcy of Power Company of America, including assisting in the liquidation of assets, valuing contracts and options for the future purchase/sale of electricity, constructing a foward pricing model to value contracts traded in nine electricity markets and examining terminated contracts in order to evaluate potential claims asserted by or against counterparties. An expert in energy markets, he is experienced in developing pricing models for market-to-market contracts across various markets, evaluating energy contract terminations (and related preference and fraudulent conveyence issues) and valuing diverse energy assets. Outside of the energy industry, Tom assisted Goldin in diverse litigation support projects involving data mining, damage calculations, asset tracing, and preparation of expert reports. Tom was formerly a short-term electricity trader with Power Company of America, where he actively traded in OTC markets in Cinergy, ComEd and others. Tom held responsibility for P&L management, volume reporting and hedge execution for his trading group and developed and implemented financial models to track trades, positions and energy flow. Previously, Tom was a real time electricity trader, executing transactions in the hourly electricity spot markets, implementing master purchase and sales agreements and transmission tariffs with various power marketers and utilities, scheduling daily and monthly mid-continent and WSPP trades and expanding hourly trading into MAIN and MAPP regions. Tom has an M.B.A. from Pace University and a B.S. from Villanova University. |