In 1996, Tim started his internet career at Wired Magazine and soon moved to Hotwired, the first commercial media website. In 1998 he founded grassroots web-casting site to showcase local San Francisco artists using the then new power of streaming media before "streaming media" was even a buzzword. He held product management roles at Lycos Music, while also hosting the Wired News online radio show "Music Spin" and acting as a member of the Board of the Popular Noise Foundation, a San Francisco based non-profit whose goal was promoting local independent musicians. Later, he held a strategic product development role as Terra/Lycos in their Global Product Development group where he worked heavily in streaming media and media player software. Recently Tim re-launched at CNET Networks as the site Director in May 2004. There, he was responsible for managing, its business strategy and technologies. He played a key role in the re-launch, providing a new brand, focus, strategy and directive. Tim is well versed on the important issues of the day with regards to the consumer side of digital music, and his recent speaking engagements include the 19th Annual Winter Music Conference in Miami, FL on "Piracy and Copyright", 3rd Annual Tape Op Conference in New Orleans, LA on "The Futureof Music", and 2004 Jupiter Plug IN in New York, NY on "New Music Markets". Day job aside, Tim has spends his off hours writing, recording and performing music with The Decoration |