For Thomas, online application development is a professional passion. He first got interested in Internet technologies in 1994 when there was one computer in the school library with an Internet browser. Shortly thereafter, Thomas became a student lab advisor with a computer at his disposal and a lot of time on his hands. Since then, new technologies, new applications, and new challenges have continued to interest him. Thomas has been involved in the development of over 60 professional web sites, about half of which have large ColdFusion components. He graduated from Loyola University in Chicago with a Bachelor of Science degree in Computer Science and a minor in Information Systems. Thomas recently graduated with honors from DePaul University in the Master's program for Information Systems with a concentration in e-commerce. Before Thirdwave, Thomas has worked in diverse organizations ranging from the Federal Reserve Bank Chicago to internet startups. At Thirdwave, he has contributed much to the Thirdwave content management system, which has been the foundation of many of its clients. The most advanced iteration of which has been applied to a major sports equipment manufacturer's website in nine languages. |