Thomas W. Jasper has been Chief Executive Officer of the Company since March 2001 and a director since March 2002. Mr. Jasper joined the Company in October 1999 as a consultant to assist in the Company's formation. Prior to joining the Company Mr. Jasper served for 17 years as a key executive of Salomon Brothers Inc. and its successor Salomon Smith Barney Holdings Inc. In 1982 Mr. Jasper was one of the founders of Salomon's interest rate swap business. While at Salomon in 1984 Mr. Jasper co-founded ISDA served as one of its first Co-Chairman and worked to establish ISDA as the world's preeminent swap association. Mr. Jasper became the Chief Operating Officer of Salomon's non-Japan Asian business in 1994. In 1997 after the acquisition of Salomon Brothers Inc. by The Travelers Group Inc. Mr. Jasper created the Global Treasury business plan and structure for the merged firm. Mr. Jasper continued as the Global Treasurer of Salomon Smith Barney until late 1998. Mr. Jasper serves on the boards of directors of Phoenix House Foundation the Wellspring Foundation and the executive board of the Cox School of Business at Southern Methodist University. |