Tom is the Managing Partner of the firm's Washington, DC office. He concentrates his practice in civil litigation, arbitration, and alternate dispute resolution involving the following areas: general commercial matters, bankruptcy, intellectual property, insurance, real estate, energy, environmental issues, administrative law cases, antitrust, and art and cultural property.
"Christie's New York To Auction Picasso's Still Life" (November 01, 2006)
"Alternative Dispute Resolution Settlements and Negotiations" C-Level Business Intelligence (October 27, 2006)
"The New York State Law Initiative" (April 12, 2000)
"Resolving Stolen Art Theft Claims" Congress Monthly (December 31, 1999)
"Beyond Diplomacy: Protecting the Cultural Heritage of Cyprus" (July 28, 1999)
"Recent Developments in the Recovery of Old Master Drawings from Bremen" The Spoils of War International Newsletter (June 01, 1998)
"The Russian Bill to Nationalize Trophy Art: An American Perspective" The Spoils of War International Newsletter (December 31, 1997)
"Legal Issues Relating to the Recovery of the Quedlinburg Treasures" The Spoils of War (December 31, 1997)
"Recovering Wartime Losses and Other Stolen Art and Cultural Property Found in the United States" The Spoils of War International Newsletter (December 01, 1996)
"The Recovery of Stolen Art Sold in the United States from a Neutral Country," American University International Law Review (1998)
"Overview," Environmental Law Anthology (1992-1993)
Book Review
Unfinished Business: Returning Looted War Assets," a Book Review by Thomas R. Kline, Congress Monthly (January 1, 2003)
"Recent Developments in Energy Resources Law," Tort & Insurance Law Journal (1995)
Legal Issues in the Restitution of Art Looted by the Nazis or Otherwise Displaced during World War II, Association of Women Attorneys, Houston (April 28, 2005)
"Opening Statement to the Committee on Art & Cultural Property Presidential Advisory Commission on Holocaust Assets in the United States" (April 12, 2000)
"Recovery of Art Stolen During World War II," When Justice Fails: Threats to the Independence of the Judiciary, National Judicial College, Washington, D.C. (February 1999)
"United States Law Governing the Restitution of Stolen Art and Cultural Property," Okinawa, Japan (October 1998)
"United States Law Governing the Restitution of Stolen Art and Cultural Property," The Legal Aspects Concerning the Restitution of Cultural Treasures: Theory and Practice, Kiev, Ukraine (December 1996)
"Litigating Lender Liability for Hazardous Waste: the Mirabile Case," American Bar Association Litigation Section Meeting, Chicago, Illinois (Fall 1987)
"Evolving Standards: Due Diligence and the Acquisition of Antiquities and Ancient Art," American Association of Museums Annual Meeting, Indianapolis (May 2005)
"Nazi Artwork Theft: Reality, Process and Responsibility Fifty Years Later," New York University School of Law, New York City (March 1998)
George Washington University, Museum Studies Program, Adjunct Assistant Professor (2000 to Present)
George Mason University, School of Law, Adjunct Lecturer, Civil Procedure (1986)
The American University, Washington College of Law, Adjunct Lecturer, Legal Methods and Contracts (1977-1981)
District of Columbia Bar
Maryland State Bar
New York State Bar
American Bar Association
NASD Dispute Regulation, Inc., Board of Arbitrators (1998-present)
Volunteer Mediator, USDC, District of Columbia, Alternate Dispute Resolution Program (1996-present)
Co-chair, Energy Resources Law Committee, Tort and Insurance Practice Section, American Bar Association (1989-1998)
Honors and Rewards - Officers Cross of the Order of Merit of the Federal Republic of Germany (Das Verdienstkreuz des Verdienstordens) |