PhD, Linguistics, U.C.L.A., 1985
M.A., Linguistics, U.C.L.A., 1979
B.A., Linguistics, U.C.L.A., 1976
Current positions
SIL International Linguistics Consultant (1995- )
Adjunct faculty member, University of Oregon, Eugene, Department of Linguistics. (1997- )
Other experience
Review Editor, Studies in Language (2006- )
Commission Chair for US Linguistics Challenge (1997- )
Faculty member, Summer Institute of Linguistics, Northwest Christian College. Courses: Syntax and Semantics (grad./undergrad.), Workshop in Grammatical Description (a seminar course for experienced field linguists), Analytical methods in morphology and syntax (grad./undergrad.). (1986- )
Visiting professor, Hanyang University, Seoul, Korea. Courses: Phonetics, Phonology and Linguistic Perspectives on English Grammar (2005-2006)
Lecturer, Universidad Ricardo Palma, Lima, Peru. Courses: Introduction to morphosyntactic analysis, and Introduction to semantics and pragmatics (in Spanish) (2004)
Lecturer, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia. (Fulbright program). Courses: Typological/functional Morphosyntax (English), Analytical Methods in Morphology and Syntax (Russian) (2001-2002)
Lecturer, Nairobi Evangelical Graduate School of Theology, Nairobi, Kenya. Courses: Morphology and syntax, and Phonology II (2005)
Linguistic Society of America (1990- )
Association for Linguistic Typology (1998- )
The Society for the Study of the Indigenous Languages of the Americas (1984- )
Language proficiency
Spanish 4+
Russian 1+
French 1+
Research interests
Grammatical description of undocumented languages
Clause combining in Siberian languages
Exploring language structure-morphological and syntactic analysis
Panare reference grammar and texts
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
2006. Exploring language structure: a student's guide. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2006. A grammar as a communicative act. Studies in Language 30.2.367-384
1997. Describing morphosyntax: a guide for field linguists. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
1995. Object incorporation in Panare. International Journal of American Linguistics 61.295-311.
1992. The twins stories: participant coding in Yagua narrative. Berkeley: University of California Press (revision of dissertation).
1991. Medial clauses and interpropositional relations in Panare. Cognitive linguistics 2-3.247-81.
1988. Referential distance and discourse structure in Yagua.Studies in language 12.2.345-92.
1987. Pronouns in Yagua discourse. International Journal of American Linguistics 53.1.1-21.
Selected papers presented
2006. The linguistics challenge: challenging future linguists. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Linguistics Society of America, Albuquerque, New Mexico. 2006. A grammar as a communicative act. To appear in Studies in Language, 30:2.
2002. Cognitive linguistics: Language as a window on the mind. Invited lecture, Department of Psychology, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russia.
2002. Toward a substantive typology of applicative constructions. Invited lecture, Third Winter Typological School, Moscow, Russia.
2001. Toward a balanced formal/functional approach to grammatical description. Series of invited lectures, Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal.
1999. A typology of applicative constructions. Australian National University, Research Centre for Linguistic Typology, Typology Club Colloquium.
1999. How abstract is typology? The great Philippine ergativity debate. University of California, Santa Barbara, Linguistics Colloquium. |