Tom Wheeler is managing director at Core Capital Partners. Prior to joining Core, Tom was the president and CEO of the Cellular Telecommunications and Internet Association. CTIA is the international organization that represents all sectors of wireless communications: cellular, personal communication services and enhanced specialized mobile radio. Members include the world's largest service providers, manufacturers, wireless data and Internet companies and other contributors to the wireless universe. As president, Tom dealt regularly with the senior management of the leading telecommunications companies and worked at the forefront of telecommunications policy and business development. Prior to his work at CTIA, Tom also served as president of the National Cable Television Association, the principal trade association of the cable television industry. NCTA represents cable operators serving more than 90% of the nation's cable television households and more than 200 cable program networks, as well as equipment suppliers and providers of other services to the cable industry. Tom also is a frequent commentator on technology issues, and his opinion columns have been widely published in major daily newspapers such as The Washington Post and Los Angeles Times. In 2000, Doubleday published his first book, Take Command: Leadership Lessons of the Civil War, about the confluence of business, technology and leadership. His new book, Mr. Lincoln's T-Mails: The Untold Story of How Abraham Lincoln Used the Telegraph to Win the Civil War, will be published by HarperCollins in November. Tom is currently on the boards of Earthlink and WiderThan. He is a trustee of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, chairman of the Foundation for the National Archives and a director of the Public Broadcasting Service |