Terri Cubiotti Title: Vice President, Account Group Supervisor EXPERTISE: Building strong, enduring client relationships. Clients trust me to get the job done, and done well. YEARS OF EXPERIENCE: 20 CATEGORY EXPERIENCE: Consumer packaged goods (film), healthcare, academia. CAREER HISTORY: 2 years as art director at design studio; 5 years as Account Executive at ICE Communications; 5 years as Sr. Acct. Executive at Eric Mower and Associates: 4 years as Account Group Supervisor and VP at Wolf Group, 4 years at MSM. EDUCATION: Bachelor of Fine Arts, Rochester Institute of Technology. LOOKING AT ME YOU'D NEVER GUESS THAT: I roofed my own house! SURPRISING PERSONAL FACT: I love to bake and chocolate is my best friend! (Perhaps that chocolate thing isn’t that surprising). THREE WORDS THAT DESCRIBE ME: Outgoing, loyal, happy. MY PHILOSOPHY: 150% at everything is the best way to get it done. LESSON THAT I'VE LEARNED: Be your own person. Don’t be who others’ want you to be. FAVORITE VACATION: Annual family vacation in Cape Hatteras. SECRET GUILTY PLEASURE: I am a Law and Order addict. |