Tavis Harris graduated with a Bachelor of Science Degree in Chemistry from Missouri State University in 1998. After graduation, he began pursuing a master s degree in the same field, working as a teaching assistant in organic chemistry. Always eager for a challenge, Tavis accepted a job at the State Fruit Experiment Station in Mountain Grove, Missouri, operated by SMSU. As Enology Technician at the Fruit Experiment Station, Tavis s duties included research wine production, applied research, education/advisement, as well as support roles at wine competitions and conferences. Tavis operated the Wine Analytical Services Program within the Mid- America Viticulture and Enology Center, providing basic analytical services to the industry of the region. At SMSU, Tavis also worked in support of the distillation program and the Viticulture and Enology Science and Technology Alliance program. During his four year tenure, Tavis worked on a number of research projects relating to wine chemistry. Tavis joined Stone Hill Winery s elite winemaking team in August 2005. As Enologist for Stone Hill, Tavis performs chemical analyses on the wines throughout the winemaking process to ensure the highest quality to the consumer. In addition, Tavis can often be found in the cellar assisting the production crew with the day s activities. Tavis, his wife, Amanda, and their 4-year-old son, Tavis Jr., or T.J., enjoy living in the Hermann community. |