Dr. Guo serves as a Vice President of PLEXOS Solutions LLC where he is responsible for all technical services in N. America including software implementation, training, user support, and consulting. Tao has a strong theoretical and technical background and more than 18 years working experience in power system planning, operation and control. Dr. Guo’s expertise includes: (a) unit commitment and economic dispatch using dynamic programming, Lagrangian Relaxation, and Mixed Integer Programming; (b) multiple commodity co-optimization in deregulated energy markets; and, (c) hydrothermal coordination, and (d) stochastic simulation and Locational Market Price (LMP) forecasts. Prior to join Plexos Solutions, Tao was the Director of Algorithms with Global Energy Decision. He was responsible for developing the core simulation engine that drives the Analytics and Operations solution. Tao is a member of IEEE. Dr. Tao has a Ph.D. in Power System Planning, Operation and Control from the University of Michigan. He received Master of Engineering in Power
System Planning, Operation and Control from Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan,China. |