Susie Ellis leads the world's most prominent spa marketing, media, and research company - connecting the largest global network of spas to millions of spa consumers worldwide. Author of the popular Ask Susie column in Luxury Spa Finder Magazine , " Susie's Blog" on, and the SpaFinder Insider industry e-newsletter, Ms.Ellis is recognized worldwide as the leading authority on the spa industry, the evolving spa consumer, and spa-related health, wellness, beauty, fitness and lifestyle trends. She also leads the company's charitable and community-facing ventures, including SpaFinder's initiative to raise awareness of, and help prevent, melanoma skin cancer. Ms. Ellis began her career in spa at the Golden Door (California), where she helped build one of the world's most influential spa programs, and later became the first spa director of the Greenhouse Spa at Donald Trump's Mar-a-Lago Club in Palm Beach, Florida. She has also served on the California Governor's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, chaired by Arnold Schwarzenegger. Ms. Ellis is a frequent speaker at industry events around the world, and her spa industry insight has been featured in the New York Times, USA Today, Time magazine, The Daily Telegraph, Newsweek and in other well known media. She holds a MBA from UCLA. |