Dr. Susan Harlander has worked with the food industry for over 20 years and for 9 of those years held senior research and development management positions in the food industry where she was involved in several trace recall incidents involving dairy and processed food products. She served as her company’s representative on numerous dairy and food industry trade association committees (Grocery Manufacturers of America, National Food Processors Association, International Dairy Foods Association, etc.) and has maintained contact with these organizations since establishing her consulting company in 2000. Susan currently serves as a consultant to farm organizations, grain processors, food manufacturing companies, trade associations, and biotechnology providers, and has been active in domestic and international issues related to traceability and identity preservation of genetically modified foods. Susan was the principal investigator on numerous grants and has published over 110 referred papers, book chapters and monographs. She has edited 2 books and has made over 400 presentations to scientific and lay audiences. She has served on FDA’s Science Board, FDA’s Food Advisory Committee, USDA’s National Agricultural Research, Education, Extension and Economics Advisory Board, and the NRC’s Board on Agriculture and Food Chemicals Codex Committees, so she has an understanding of the issues facing food regulatory agencies. As a former Associate Professor of Food Microbiology and Biotechnology, Susan brings extensive experience in food microbiology and an understanding of biological and chemical agents that could be used in food bioterrorism, as well as naturally occurring pathogens that contaminate the food supply. |