Ph.D. Educational Leadership/Policy Studies, Indiana University, 1997
MA. Missiology, Fuller Theology Seminar, 1988
Current positions
International Literacy and Education Consultant (2005- )
Visiting Lecturer, Linguistics and Education, Mahidol University, Thailand (2002- )
Asia Area Literacy Coordinator for SIL International (1998- )
Consultant in Multilingual Education SIL Asia Area (1998- )
Other experience
Consultant Education for Indigenous Children Program, Bangladesh (2003- )
Coordinator, Conference on Language Development, Language Revitalization and Multilingual Education, Bangkok, Thailand (2003)
Visiting Lecturer, Literacy and Education, University of North Dakota, (2001-2002)
Linguist consultant, Education Sector Development, Department of Education, Culture and Sports, Philippines, Manila (2001)
Adjunct Professor of Linguistics, University of Texas (1997-1998)
Technical Advisor, National Mother Tongue Literacy, National Department of Education, Papua New Guinea (1989-1991)
Co-Editor READ Magazine (Promoting literacy in Asia and Pacific) (1933-1987)
Multilingual Education Specialist, Facilitator, Kaugel Language Literacy Program, Papua New Guinea (1982-1987)
International Reading Association (1999- )
Comparative and International Education Society (1999- )
Language proficiency
Tok Pisin (PNG) FSI Level 3
Research interests
Educational policy and planning relating to Multilingual Education.
Process of bridging between languages in Multilingual Education.
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
2004. Manual for developing literacy and adult education programmes in minority language communities. Bangkok: UNESC0.
2004. "A study of relationships among government and non-government organizations supporting Mother Tongue literacy in Papua New Guinea." In Civil society, or shadow state? State/NGO relations in education. Margaret Sutton and Robert F. Arnove, (Eds.) Greenwich Connecticut: Information Age Publishing, 3-44.
2004. "Education for multilingualism and multi-literacy in ethnic minority communities: the situation in Asia." ABD (Asian/Pacific Book Development) Vol. 34, 2.
1998. Planning learner centered adult literacy programs. With Robert F. Arnove. Paris: International Institute for Educational Planning.
1997. A study of relationships among government and non-government organizations supporting Mother Tongue literacy in Papua New Guinea. Ph.D. thesis. Indiana University, Bloomington Indiana, USA.
Selected Papers Presented
2004. "Multilingual education: A global perspective." Paper presented at the Multilingual Education Conference sponsored by the Department of Education, Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India.
2004. "Bilingual and multilingual education: Innovations in Asia." Paper presented at the 2004 World Congress of the International Reading Association. Manila, the Philippines.
2003. "Education for multilingualism and multi-literacy in ethnic minority communities: the situation in Asia." Plenary presentation at the Conference on Language Development, Language Revitalization and Multilingual Education. Bangkok.
2002. "Multilingual education in language minority communities: Some points to consider." Paper presented at the Workshop on Textbooks, Teachers and Technology. Co-sponsored by Central Institute of Indian Languages (CIIL), Delhi University, Jawaharlal Nehru University (JNU). New Delhi, India. February 2002.
2001. "When 'Education for All' includes everyone: Achievements and challenges in providing relevant education for ethnic minority communities." Paper presented at the World Bank Language of Instruction Series, Washington D.C., USA. July, 2001.
2001. "Mother Tongue Education for Social Integration." Paper presented at the Third International Symposium on Bilingualism (ISB3), Reading, England.
2000. "The role of communities in mother tongue education programs." Paper presented at the World Education Forum (Education for All). Sponsored by UNESCO. Dakar, Senegal.
Selected Online Publications
2004. "Language policy for successful multilingual education: What does it take?" NORRAG News. Network for Policy Review, Research Advice on Education and Training. Number 34. Report on Conference on Language Development, Language Revitalization and Multilingual Education (Editor). |