Stu is responsible for engineering activities at Google's offices in the eastern half of the Americas. Before joining Google, he worked at IBM for eleven years. Most recently, he was Vice President for Computer Science in IBM Research, where he drove the long-term and exploratory worldwide science strategy in computer science and related fields, led programs for open collaborative research with universities, and influenced national and global computer science policy.
Prior to that, Stu served as Vice President for Internet Technology and was responsible for IBM strategies, standards, and policies relating to the future of the Internet, and managed a department that created experimental Internet-based applications. Earlier, he was the founding Director of IBM's Institute for Advanced Commerce, which was dedicated to creating intellectual leadership in e-commerce.
Before joining IBM in mid-1995, Stu was a computer science researcher at Bell Labs and a research manager at Bellcore. In addition he was the creator of Make as well as the architect for a large new line of software products at Bellcore.
Stu did his academic work in astrophysics and mathematics and earned his AB at Princeton and his PhD at MIT. He is President of ACM (Association for Computing Machinery) and received the 2003 ACM Software System Award. He is also a Fellow of the IEEE, a Fellow of the ACM, and serves on a number of government advisory committees. |