Dr. Steven Arndt is an industrial engineer specializing in human factors ergonomics and safety. He provides consultation in the investigation and prevention of accidents and injuries with consumer products and in industrial settings. Dr. Arndt has performed investigations involving perception and reaction time machine guarding manual materials handling metabolic workload measurement repetitive strain injuries ADA compliance biomechanics and kinematic motion analysis. He has conducted industrial accident risk analysis involving forklifts scaffolding lifts and presses using OSHA accident report databases. Dr. Arndt is also experienced in the design and testing of warnings instructions and safety information using government injury and accident databases targeted end-user focus groups laboratory testing and industry standards.
Dr. Arndt has assisted numerous clients with manufacturer product recalls particularly in the area of child product safety. His product recall experience includes testing instructions for retro-fit kits and evaluation of retrofit parts for compliance with CPSC recommendations; and assessment of accident patterns associated with products using nationally collected CPSC data on injuries associated with consumer products.
Prior to joining Exponent Dr. Arndt was employed by the Wisconsin Center for Space Automation and Robotics Telerobotics and Human Performance Research Laboratory. His research focus included gauging and predicting the abilities of persons with disabilities to perform complex manual assembly tasks using rapidly administered objective tests. |