Steven J. Corodemus
Of Counsel
Steven J. Corodemus focuses his practice on transactional, environment, land use and real estate development. He has served eight terms as a member of the New Jersey General Assembly representing 210,000 residents of the 11th Legislative District that comprised of 25 Monmouth County municipalities. As an Assemblyman, he served as Chairman of the Assembly Environment, Science and Technology Committee. He also served as a member of the General Assembly Budget, Appropriations, Economic Development, Education, Financial Institutions, Health, Housing, Insurance, Banking, Health and Senior Services Committees. Mr. Corodemus was also a member of several other legislative committees, such as the New Jersey State Beach Erosion. He also chaired Governor Whitman's Dredge Material Management Team, which was credited with keeping Port Newark a thriving transportation and economic engine for the Metropolitan region by identifying a non-ocean disposal method to safely store several million cubic yards of contaminated mud instead of traditional at sea burial. He also served as Chairman of the Gubernatorial Lake Restoration Task Force.
Professional Activities
Atlantic Highlands Harbor Commission Attorney - 2008
Monmouth Medical Board of Trustees
American Red Cross, Jersey Shore Chapter, Board of Trustees
Visiting Nurse Association of Central New Jersey, Board of Trustees
AHEPA - American Hellenic Education Progressive Associate, Member
Former Zoning Board attorney Borough of Atlantic Highlands
Former Rent Control Attorney Borough of Atlantic Highlands
Former Matawan Borough Special Labor Counsel
Shore Builders Association - Legislator of the Year - 1993
Monmouth County Water Resource Award - 1994
New Jersey Recreation and Park Association - Legislator of the Year - 1996
Epiphany House - Outstanding Leadership Award - 1998
New Jersey Podiatric Society - Legislator of the Year - 1999
Eastern Monmouth Area Chamber of Commerce Spinnaker Award - Elected Official of the Year - 2000
NJSEED - Legislator of the Year - 2001
Volunteer Center of Monmouth County - 2002 - Community Commitment from the Heart
Consumers for Civil Justice - Legislative Recognition Award - 2003
Northern Monmouth Chamber of Commerce - Elected Official of the Year - 2004
Small Business Development Center - 2005 Small Business Advocate
Guardian of Small Business Award - 2007 National Federation of Independent Business
Community Service Award - Congregation Sons of Israel - The Shul of Wayside
New Jersey Association of Counties Legislative Leadership Award
New Jersey Marine Sciences Consortium - Directors Award
Other Professional and Personal Information
Mr. Corodemus has served as President of the Atlantic Highlands Borough Council, and Vice Chairman of the Monmouth County Planning Board and its subdivision and site plan subcommittee. As Assemblyman, he was the prime sponsor of 100 laws and two Constitutional amendments, including the following:
Stable funding for Beach replenishment
Open Space - over 1 million acres
Healthcare Carrier Accountability Act.