Steve Thebault's experience in the carnival industry started when he worked for his parents who co-owned a tent, trailer, and game rental business under the name of Thebault-Olsen Company in Chicago, IL. This business was actually started by Steve's grandfather in the 1930’s and operated as a carnival and bazaar supply house.
After graduating from Ripon College in Wisconsin in 1962 with a degree in mathematics and physics, and completing his military service in the U.S. Army, Steve pursued his carnival interests and bought out a small carnival in 1973 to form Astro Amusement Company. Astro Amusement Company proudly served and raised money for charity and not-for-profit organizations, churches, and community celebrations for 32 years before the formation of North American Midway Entertainment.
Under Steve's leadership, Astro Amusement Company went from a small 14 ride midway with a short 6-month season in the Chicago area, to a 30+ ride midway and a season that extends from February to November with many out-of-state locations. The company's proudest accomplishment came in 1993 when Astro Amusement was awarded the Illinois State Fair contract.
Steve has been an active member in many amusement industry organizations, and has played a vital role in promoting professional and safety standards throughout the industry. |