Ph.D. Linguistic Science, University of Reading, Reading, England, 1980
M.A. Linguistic Science, University of Reading, Reading, England, 1973
Diploma in Theology, University of London, 1965
B.S. Mathematics, University of Manchester, 1963
Current positions
Linguistic Consultant, SIL International (1976-)
Other experience
5-day seminar to develop a Discourse Template for the Bantu Initiative, Ruiru, Kenya (2005)
Director of SIL Linguistic Workshops, Nasik, India [2006]; Ukarumpa, Papua New Guinea (2005, 2006); Mbeya, Tanzania [2005]; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia [2005]; Nampula, Mozambique [2004]; Bamenda, Cameroon [2004]; Nagpur, India [2003]; Horsleys Green, England [2003]; Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso [2002]; N'djamena, Chad [2002]; Panama City, Panama [2001]; Jos, Nigeria [2001]; Addis Ababa, Ethiopia [2001]), (1970-)
Lecturer in Typology & Discourse, University of North Dakota (2004, 2002)
Chairperson for M.A. theses, University of North Dakota (2004, 2002)
Committee member for Aagot Bergli, Higher organizational patterns and their function in Quechua oral legendary texts. Dr.Art. thesis, NTNU Norwegian University of Science and Technology (2002)
Director, 214 Discourse Features of New Testament Greek. Dallas Theological Seminary (5 weeks-Summer 1999, 2000)
Linguistic research in Colombia, S. America (1968-97)
Director of SIL British School (1983-88)
Member: Society of Biblical Literature (2001-)
Member: Linguistic Association of Great Britain(1972-2005)
Language proficiency
Spanish 4
Inga (Quechuan) speaking 3; reading 4
French speaking 2; reading 4
Research interests
Information structure and discourse features of narrative and hortatory texts in Koiné Greek and languages spoken by minority groups around the world
Selected publications
Publications in SIL International Bibliography
2006. " Reasoning styles and types of hortatory discourse," Journal of Translation 2.2.
2006. " The relevance of Greek discourse studies to exegesis," Journal of Translation 2.2.
2003. "Some observations on the storyline status of gerunds in Koorete (Omotic),"Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics15.27-34.
2002. "Towards a typology of additives,"AAP 69.171-88. (Institut für Afrikanistik, Köln, Germany).
2001b. "Review of The structure of Hebrews: a text-linguistic analysis, by George H. Guthrie."Novum Testamentum XLIII2.181-88
2001a.Analyzing discourse: basic concepts,(with Dooley, Robert A.), Dallas: SIL International (165 pp.).
2000b. "Review of Topic, focus and foreground in Ancient Hebrew narratives, by Jean-Marc Heimerdinger,"Journal of Translation and Textlinguistics 14.126-47.
2000a. Discourse features of New Testament Greek: A coursebook on the information structure of New Testament Greek (2nd. edition).Dallas: SIL International (xi + 316 pp.).
1999. "Erchomai and poreuomai in Luke-Acts: two orientation strategies," Notes on Translation 15.3.13-30.
Selected papers presented
2006. "Towards a Typology of Story Development Marking (Repeatedly Naming the Subject: The Hebrew Equivalent of Greek ??" presented at the International Conference of the Society of Biblical Literature, Edinburgh, Scotland.
2003 "Is hoti an interpretive use marker?" Presented at the Conference of the Society of Biblical Literature, Cambridge, England.
2003 "Towards a unified linguistic description of houtos and ekeinos." Presented at the Conference of the Society of Biblical Literature, Atlanta, GA.
Works online
2004. Self-instruction materials on Narrative Discourse Analysis.Online URL at
2002. "Also, too and moreover in a novel by Dorothy L. Sayers".Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 2002 Volume 44.Online URL at
2000. "NP references to active participants and story development in Ancient Hebrew".Work Papers of the Summer Institute of Linguistics, University of North Dakota Session 2000 Volume 44. |